2.16 Compensation Policies


A faculty contract will specify the amount to be paid and the time period over which payment will occur. Normally paychecks will be available on the 27th of the month. Full- time and some part-time faculty members are paid in 12-month installments. Except when contracts have been written with some special provision (e.g., an additional increment on completion of an advanced degree), salary changes normally become effective only at the beginning of the next fiscal year.

Salary increases may include across the board raises, varying raises for different ranks or different salary levels and individual raises in the interest of greater equity. Bonuses will be determined based on the Area Coordinators' recommendation to the Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty and the President.

Several types of supplemental pay may be made to faculty members.


Full-time faculty members or part-time faculty members who teach more than their usual load qualify for extra compensation whether the extra load is on the main campus or on one of the branch campuses. Compensation is made at a rate determined by the Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty.

All overload arrangements must be understood clearly by the Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty prior to the teaching; otherwise compensation may not be allowed (see Section 2.11.1). Supplemental pay for full-time faculty members is paid when it becomes clear that their load entitles them to extra compensation. During the semesters they are under a full- time contract, faculty members may not teach more than 5 credits on an overload basis, whether on the main campus, in branch programs, or at other institutions. Limited exceptions may be made with the approval of a faculty member’s Area Coordinator and the Academic Dean/Dean of Faculty, taking into account the costs that additional overloads have on both faculty scholarship and student classroom experience.

The Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty and the Vice President for External Programs will coordinate the schedules of the full-time faculty wishing to teach during the semester they are not under contract. Normally these full-time faculty will not teach more than a total of two courses during their non-contracted semester.

Proposed change to the handbook section 2.16.2: Overload

Wilmington Campus Summer Semester

The Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty is responsible for arranging for summer semester courses, keeping in mind the needs of students and the financial implications of course size. Area Coordinators will submit their recommendations for summer courses early in the spring semester, at the time tentative schedules are submitted for the following fall and spring semesters. While every effort will be made to accommodate students needing particular courses, the Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty may cancel scheduled courses that do not attract sufficient enrollment to be financially viable.  The same numerical limits for courses will be applied in the summer as during the fall and spring semesters (see Section 3.3).

As is the case during fall and spring semesters, courses by appointment are to be offered only in exceptional cases and not merely as a convenience to students who could take the courses at another time.

Faculty members will be paid at the regular adjunct or overload rates for courses taught in the summer semester. Unlike fall and spring semester, faculty members will be paid for supervising independent studies and internships at a rate determined by the Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty.  

Payroll Period 

Since payrolls are prepared off campus, any information that will affect a change in the paycheck must be brought to the attention of the Human Resources Office at least 30 days prior to the desired change.

Payroll Deductions 

Normally deductions are made for the following items:

  • Federal, state, and local taxes (based on W-4 employee-filed statements)
  • Social Security assessments
  • TIAA-CREF salary deduction, as specified by the employee
  • Health insurance family premiums above the amount covered by the College
  • Long-term disability and life insurance

Several additional deductions are available with proper notification to the Human Resources Office:

  1. Contribution to the College development efforts
  2. United Way contributions
  3. Annuity payments
  4. Medical flexible spending account
  5. Dependent care flexible spending account

Payroll Advances

Any advance taken must be repaid in the next pay period for individuals paid monthly. Interest at the rate of 18% will be charged on all advances. No advance can be given if the employee still has an outstanding advance. The maximum number of advances an individual can receive within a calendar year will be two. Requests should be presented to the Human Resources Office.