1.4 Administrative Structure

The President

Appointment: The Board of Trustees will select three of its members, the Wilmington Yearly Meeting will select three of its members and the faculty of Wilmington College will select three of its members to compose a nominating committee that will gather, investigate, interview and nominate candidates for the President of the College. This committee so appointed and organized by the Board of Trustees will develop its own requirements for candidates. The Board of Trustees shall select the President from the candidates nominated by the committee. The nominating committee may disband itself by majority action and request a new committee to be constituted, whenever it thinks it is unable to make further progress.

Duties: The President is directly responsible to the Board of Trustees for the execution of the total program of the College. The duties of the President are contained in the By-laws of the Board of Trustees that state, “He/she is responsible for leading the College in a manner consistent with the purpose and mission statement, implementing Board policies, keeping the Board informed, consulting with the Board in a timely manner on issues related to its policy-making and fiduciary responsibilities, and serving as the College’s spokesperson and representative. The President has the authority to execute documents on behalf of the College and the Board, consistent with Board policy and decisions, and in the best interests of the College.” (From the Board of Trustees By-Laws)

The President appoints academic and administrative officers and staff, serves as an ex officio member of all standing committees of the Board, presents quarterly reports on the income and expenses of the College, submits an annual operating budget to the Board for approval and makes an annual report to the Wilmington Yearly Meeting on the condition of the College.

The President discharges his/her duties with the assistance, advice and counsel of the members of the President’s Council. The members of the Council are listed below.

  1. The Vice President for Academic Affairs/Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty
  2. The Vice President for Community and Business Development
  3. The Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students
  4. The Vice President for Business and Finance
  5. The Vice President for College Advancement
  6. The Vice President for Marketing and Enrollment Management
  7. The Vice President for Information Technology and Operations
  8. The Chief of Staff

The Vice President for Academic Affairs/Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty 

Duties and Direct Reports:

  1. Oversee programs, budget and personnel for main campus academic programs.
  2. Propose, implement and monitor approved curriculum for the main campus programs.
  3. Coordinate assessment, program review and curriculum development for majors and general education programs on the main campus in consultation with appropriate Area Coordinators, Academic Areas and full-time faculty.
  4. Supervise the allocation of academic resources.
  5. Coordinate academic staffing with the appropriate Area Coordinator and make recommendations to the President for full-time faculty appointments. Make part- time faculty appointments on the main campus.
  6. Oversee the main campus College catalog.
  7. Serve ex officio on all faculty committees or appoint a designee.
  8. Develop and administer the academic budget for the main campus.
  9. Approve all main campus teaching assignments.
  10. Evaluate all Wilmington College faculty for promotion, tenure and salary increases working in conjunction with the Tenure, Promotion and Review Committee and Area Coordinators when appropriate.
  11. Personnel who report directly to the Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty include:
    1. The Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs
      1. Oversee all aspects of student academic support services including but not limited to the Student Resource Center (with Writing Center and Math Center), Disability Services and the academic part of summer orientation.
      2. Administer academic misconduct policy and address cases of misconduct.
      3. Oversee the academic standards and Coordinate appeals for Academic Standards and Appeals Committee.
      4. committee.
      5. Develop and administer student retention program including retention policies, monitoring academic progress, intervention strategies, coordination, communications and service.
      6. Determine the academic status of students with respect to probation, suspension and dismissal on the main campus.
      7. Chair Commencement and oversee this annual event.
      8. Respond to proposals from the Academic Policies Committee, faculty and staff.
      9. Assign advisors and oversee academic advising of all students on the main campus.
      10. Serve on Campus committee as assigned.
      11. Coordinate the referral system for students at risk of failure.
    2. Registrar Duties:
      1. Coordinate academic schedules for all classes.
      2. Monitor proposed teaching loads for main campus.
      3. Assist Associate Vice President of Retention and Student Success in the preparation and execution of freshman registration sessions.
      4. Oversee and monitor main campus classrooms.
      5. Serve on Academic Policies and Commencement Committees.
      6. Assist in developing the Academic Calendar.
      7. Maintain integrity, accuracy and security of academic records.
      8. Plan and implement use of technology for course registration and tracking academic progress.
      9. Ensure compliance with Federal regulations.
      10. Manage budget for Records Office.
      11. Determine student eligibility for continuing participation in athletic programs.
    3. Academic Directors 
      1. Director of the Peace Resource Center Duties:
        1. Coordinate and oversee activities of the Peace Resource Center.
        2. Integrate the work of the Peace Resource Center into the campus community particularly through teacher education and international education.
        3. Integrate the work of the Peace Resource Center into the Wilmington community.
      2. Director of Watson Library  Duties:
        1. Submit the annual budget proposal and the budgeting, monitoring and setting of priorities within the framework of the budget.
        2. Staff, schedule, supervise, and evaluate all Library staff members under the supervision of the director.
        3. Plan, recommend, implement library program development and establish policies consistent with the mission and goals of the Library and of the College.
        4. Maintain and improve library relations with the College and surrounding community.
        5. Be responsible for the Library building.
        6. Develop and maintain the collection.
        7. Represent Watson Library to external groups.
      3. Curator of the Quaker Heritage Center Duties:
        1. Coordinate and oversee activities of the Quaker Heritage Center.
        2. Integrate the work of the Quaker Heritage Center into the campus community.
        3. Integrate the work of the Quaker Heritage Center into the Wilmington community.
    4. Area Coordinators
      Appointment and Tenure: Area Coordinators are appointed by the Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty in consultation with members of the faculty as appropriate, and with the approval of the President. Terms are normally for three years and are renewable. Main Campus Area Coordinators have a 12-month appointment. Area Coordinators are part of the administrative structure when functioning in the role of coordinator and, as such, are responsible to the Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty.
      Responsibilities: Area Coordinators are expected to fulfill their responsibilities in consultation with and with the cooperation of members of their respective areas. In most cases, the Coordinator functions as facilitator, organizer, and coordinator of various responsibilities. Area Coordinators meet on a regular basis with the other Area Coordinators, the Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty, the Associate Vice President of Retention and Student Success and the Registrar to discuss issues of importance to the academic mission of the College. Because this is a 12-month appointment, Main Campus Area Coordinators are responsible for various duties in the summer.
      Duties for Area Coordinators:
      1. Supervise the area’s mission and the mission of programs, majors, and minors as they relate to the College’s mission.
      2. Oversee the curricula of programs/majors in area and work with Office of Academic Records to develop academic schedules each semester by specified deadline.
      3. Lead Assessment and Program Review of major/minors/programs in the area.
      4. Work with Office of Academic Records to evaluate courses from other institutions for transfer credit.
      5. Coordinate hiring/orientation of adjunct faculty for curricular needs.
      6. Carry out evaluation of area members and adjunct faculty for purposes of retention, promotion, tenure, term contracts, salary increments and post tenure review (when appropriate).
      7. Oversee area budget and make adjustments as appropriate.
      8. Serve as liaison with other departments on campus, both academic and administrative.
      9. Conduct regular, formal meetings/communication of/to the area. Meetings/ communication should occur at least once a month during the academic year.
      10. Serve as area representative at all admission/academic affairs events as required (admission events, summer pre-advising, all summer/fall orientation days, Student Recognition Ceremony, etc.) Work with event planner to meet deadlines for printing, planning, etc.
      11. Meet with and register all area transfer students, especially during summer months.
      12. Update area webpages at least once per semester and during summer by specified deadline.
      13. Coordinate meeting with area and area admission counselor at least once per semester.
      14. Assist admissions with recruiting activities as requested by specified deadline.
      15. Communicate on a regular basis throughout the academic year with admission liaison on area events, changes in major/minor requirements, internships and any other information helpful to recruiting efforts.
      16. Mentor area faculty as needed/as appropriate.
      17. Other duties as required (e.g., student advising, oversight of work study students). 

The Vice President for Community and Business Development


  1. Proposes, implements and monitors approved academic programs that will serve the needs of external sites, including Wilmington Online.
  2. Provides oversight to ensure that all online academic are conducted in accordance with the academic policies of the College and its accrediting bodies.
  3. Oversees creation and implementation of the academic calendar and semester course scheduling for online programs and external sites
  4. Works closely with the Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty
  5. Oversees marketing, recruiting and retention activities for online programs, external sites, and workforce development
  6. Oversees student support services at all external sites
  7. Develops and administers the budget for all external sites
  8. Promotes external sites through participation in community activities
  9. Serves on selected faculty and institutional committees.
  10. Other responsibilities and duties as assigned by the President
  11. Personnel who report directly to the Vice President for External Programs are:
    1. Director of Online Programs
    2. Prison Education Program Manager
    3. Recruitment and Enrollment Specialist

The Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students

Duties: Responsible for student life and activities, including the residence halls, multicultural affairs orientation, service learning, campus activities, campus safety and health services.

Supervises: Associate Vice President for Student Engagement, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students for Housing, Secretary for Student Life, Director of Career and Workforce Development, First-Year Coordinator, Housing Coordinator, Graduate Assistants, Director of Multicultural Affairs, Director of Greek Life and Wellness Programs, Campus Minister, Director of Service Learning and Orientation, Campus Nurse, Director of Counseling Services, Campus Safety, Coordinator of Conference Services, Mailroom  Supervisor,  Pyle Center Service Desk

The Vice President for Business and Finance

Duties: Responsible for the overall fiscal management of the College, the Human Resources Office, the physical plant, and computer services. Responsible for monitoring the economic efficiency of programs, maintaining fiscal stability, and providing periodic financial reports to College officers.

Supervises: Controller, Budget Director, Coordinator for Campus Events and Facilities

The Vice President for College Advancement

Duties: Responsible for the development and fund-raising effort of the College. Also responsible for alumni relations and activities that are part of the alumni effort as well as public relations.

Supervises: Director of Development, Director of Advancement Services, and Director of Alumni and Parents Relations

The Vice President for Marketing and Enrollment Management

Duties: Responsible for planning and implementing student recruitment and retention efforts as well as financial aid services, student accounts and student one stop.

Supervises: Assistant Vice President of Enrollment, Associate Director of Marketing and Admissions Operations, Director of Student One Stop Center.

The Vice President for Information Technology and Operations

Duties: The Vice President of Information Technology and Operations provides program management by formulating, directing, implementing, measuring, reporting and coordinating projects to support institutional goals and objectives, progress, strategies, and outcomes in accordance with best practices and established policies and procedures. The Vice President of Information Technology and Operations will play a critical role in evaluating, implementing, and communicating progress of the college’s strategic programs and plans. 

Supervises: Director of Physical Plant and Director of IT 

The Chief of Staff 

Duties: The Chief of Staff will act as an advisor and strategic partner to the president. The position will oversee strategic initiatives and special projects as well as manage and coordinate the administrative functions of the president’s office. This position serves as a key liaison for the president with many stakeholders across the institution and represents the president in a variety of formal and informal settings.