Components of Evaluation Portfolios

Listed below are items to consider placing in promotion, tenure and review portfolios. Bolded items are strongly suggested. Consult with the current Clerk of Tenure, Promotion and Review for suggested items for current year, as guidelines here are tentative and still in development.

Cover Letter (includes statement about growth and development from previous reviews, such as thirdyear review, as well as brief summary of achievements in three areas of teaching, scholarship and service)

Curriculum Vitae


  • Teaching Summary Statement and Teaching Philosophy
  • List of courses you have taught
  • Course Materials you have developed
  • Information about courses you have designed
  • Innovative teaching strategies
  • Teaching evaluations other than SIRII/ College administered evaluations
  • Evaluations from area coordinator
  • Letters from students
  • Observations of colleagues


  • Summary Statement
  • Copies of published articles
  • Texts or other materials from presentations
  • Works in progress
  • Professional development activities
  • Grants (internal and external)
  • Guest lectures
  • Reviews of scholarly work from peers
  • Number of citations from your published work


  • Summary Statement
  • List of service you have provided to college, community and profession
  • Select artifacts from service
  • Letters from community or other members you have worked with Commendations and Awards