4.1 Emergency Closing Policy

Emergency Closing Policy 

It is possible that weather conditions will be such that people will wonder if Wilmington College will have classes. The Wilmington campus will be in operation regardless of weather conditions. The reason for the maintenance of operations is because the College has many students residing on campus. Since these students only have to walk a short distance to classes, and since they will have to be fed, the campus continues to operate.

Off-campus personnel and commuting students should make reasonable attempts to get to classes. If, however, it appears that such attempts may put one's life or health in more than normal danger, it is wise to stay put.  If ice, heavy snow (six inches or more), or extreme cold (-10 degrees or lower) prevail, the members of the faculty will understand if off-campus students cannot attend classes. Faculty members who decide not to make the trip to campus should call the Office of Academic Affairs as soon as they know they will not be coming, so classes can be canceled.

Early in the second semester a list of radio stations that will broadcast information on the status of College operations will be available from the Office of Public Relations.