Faculty Merit System (Not in effect)

When the budget allows, the Merit System awards bonuses for outstanding contributions to the College as defined below. Each year, the Area Coordinators, Faculty Conveners and Academic Affairs staff will establish or refine goals and objectives for faculty merit activities for the coming academic year. The goals and objectives will be linked to the mission of the College and will encourage faculty involvement in curriculum development, institutional governance, scholarly activities, student/community relations and efforts to improve teaching effectiveness. Other activities that do not fit into the above categories also may be pursued, but they must be negotiated in advance with the Area Coordinator.

Faculty seeking to pursue a merit activity should consult with their Area Coordinator in the spring before a new academic year begins, following the process outlined in Section

Bonus awards will be based on the quality of individual performance, the amount of time and effort that have gone into the project and the benefit of the activity to the College as a whole. Relevant factors for assessing the quality and benefit of the project include:

  • Independent recognition of scholarly merit and accomplishment
  • Insight, leadership, perseverance, and/or organizational acumen in the governance work of the College, student organizations, or other groups external to campus whose purpose and objectives reflect the mission of the College
  • Creativity and diligence in the preparation and /or execution of grants or other activities resulting in enhanced financial resources for the College
  • Innovative and effective classroom pedagogical techniques, practices, and materials
  • Extensive involvement in recruitment, advising, or other retention activities, above and beyond that normally expected of faculty
  • Initiation and development of replicable international travel opportunities for faculty and students, above and beyond that normally expected of faculty.

The amount of bonuses will vary annually in accordance with the financial condition of the College. As a general rule, bonuses will range from $500 to $1,500 based on the value of the merit activity to the overall welfare of the College.

Area Coordinators will review faculty performance and make recommendations to the Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty. The Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty will make independent recommendations to the President, who will make the final decision.

Process for Applying for Bonuses

As a general rule, the bonus process is a thirteen-month endeavor extending from April of one year until May of the following year. The calendar for this process is set forth below:

Early April of year one. The Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty sends all faculty a letter identifying institutional priorities for bonuses in the upcoming year. Faculty consider which of these priorities they would like to pursue. Individuals with questions are free to consult with Area Coordinators or the Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty.

Late April of year one. Area Coordinators distribute memos to faculty indicating when they will be available to meet with individual faculty during the first two weeks of May. Faculty arrange appointments with Area Coordinators.

Last two weeks of contract year/year one. Faculty meet with Area Coordinators to determine what projects they will pursue for the coming year. The Area Coordinator's evaluation of faculty performance also takes place during this meeting.

May 15 20/second year. Area Coordinators review each faculty member's activities and send recommendations to the Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty or the Vice President for External Programs.

The President will make final decisions and notify recipients by mail during the summer.

An ad hoc committee of three administrators and five tenured faculty will review the bonus system biannually to assure it is meeting the purposes and goals of the institution. The three administrators are the Vice President for Business and Finance, the Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty, and the Director of Human Resources. The five tenured faculty will consist of individuals who either are serving or recently have served on the Tenure, Promotion and Review Committee. The Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty and the Faculty Conveners will appoint the faculty members of this committee.

Determining Qualified Faculty/ Faculty Credentialing Policy

It is the policy of Wilmington College to certify the credentials of all faculty [i.e., full time, part time, adjunct and visiting/ tenured, probationary (tenure-track) or term contracts (non-tenure track] as defined by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). Per the HLC, “qualified faculty members are identified primarily by credentials, but other factors, including but not limited to equivalent ‘tested’ experience, may be considered by the institution in determining whether a faculty member is qualified.”