Handling Academic Misconduct

(Information Reproduced from the Student Handbook)


This policy is directly related to the first Testimony, which is part of the Student Code of Conduct. “I will practice personal and academic integrity.” The initial responsibility for dealing with academic misconduct lies with the individual faculty member in whose classroom or course of study the offense occurs. The responsibility includes determination of the consequences for the offense. The goal is for faculty to confront cheating and plagiarism, to teach ethical behavior, and to provide an appropriate consequence based on the nature of the incident. Faculty are encouraged to explicitly address academic misconduct and its consequences in the course syllabus.


  1. Examination offenses include, but are not limited to, the following:
    1. Taking unauthorized materials into or out of the examination room.
    2. Leaving the examination room without authorization before completing an examination.
    3. Talking in the examination room without authorization.
    4. Discussing the examination outside the examination room during the course of the examination.
    5. Attempting to observe the work of another student.
    6. Taking an examination for another person or permitting someone else to do so.
    7. Collaborating improperly by discussion, joint research, or joint effort in any way expressly prohibited by the instructor. This includes using a cell phone or other device to access information from another source or another student.
    8. Improper knowledge of contents of an examination - No student shall knowingly acquire unauthorized knowledge of an examination or any part of an examination, or solicit, offer, or give information about any part of an examination
  2. Student work offenses include, but are not limited to, the following, which are expressly prohibited in the absence of prior written approval of the instructor or instructors involved:
    1. Resubmission of work - Submitting work which has been previously submitted for credit
    2. Plagiarism - Submitting work done wholly or partly by another, including the unattributed copying of all or parts of a published work or internet document. Some instances of plagiarism are the result of ignorance rather than dishonesty. When plagiarism is encountered, the instructor should be sure that the student knows proper procedures for attributing content.
    3. Prohibited sources - Consulting material or persons contrary to the directions of the instructor.
    4. Improper collaboration - Engaging in any discussion, joint research, or joint effort of any kind expressly prohibited by the instructor.
    5. Deception - Misrepresenting the authenticity of sources, citations, or principles in any written work.
    6. Sharing work Students who share their work with others are responsible for how that work is used. For example, if a student shares a paper with another student to help him or her understand an assignment, and that student submits the work as their own, the author of the paper shares responsibility for the plagiarism committed by the other student.
  3. Other misconduct - Engaging in any other improper conduct as specified by the instructor.
  4. Lying deliberately providing false information relevant to academic matters, such as misrepresenting the inability to take an examination because of illness.
  5. Disruptive or disrespectful classroom behavior causing a disturbance in the classroom, interrupting instruction, speaking rudely or threatening students or faculty.


  1. Confront the student within ten working days of knowledge of the incident when the college is in session, or within the ten days of the start of the next semester.
  2. Determine if the offense is substantiated.
  3. Document incident and consequence in writing (letter or email) and send to student. Ideally, the course syllabus should provide a statement related to academic misconduct and its consequences.
  4. Submit a copy of the letter or email sent to student to the Office of Academic Affairs, or to the Vice President for External Programs, whichever is appropriate. The faculty member may email the student or send a letter to the student’s campus or home address. The Office of Academic Affairs or the Vice President of External Programs will maintain a copy of this letter in the student’s file for reference should additional incidents of academic misconduct occur.
  5. The Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty or the VPEP will meet with the student and review the Academic Misconduct Policy. If the student has no prior incidence of academic misconduct, no further action will be taken.
  6. If the student has committed a prior offense, the student must appear before the Academic Standards and Appeals Committee. The student may also be required to appear before the committee if the faculty member and the Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty (or VPEP) determine the offense is serious enough to warrant additional review.
  7. Any additional consequences will be determined by the ASA. Consequences could include academic probation, ineligibility for academic honors, or suspension.


If a student wishes to appeal the charge of academic misconduct and/or the sanctions for the offense, he/she may do so in writing within five (5) school days of receipt of the letter or email from the faculty member. Students should send their appeal in writing (letter or email) to the Associate Vice President of Retention and Student Success or to the Vice President of External Programs. A hearing will be set in front of the Academic Standards and Appeals Committee in as timely a manner as possible.

Students who appear before the committee on appeal may be assisted by a support person, who may be any member of the college community or a parent. Students are responsible for presenting their own case; however, the support person is permitted to speak and should assist the student in understanding the academic appeals process. Hearings will be confidential. Admission of any person to the hearing who is not a support person, or a witness shall be at the discretion of the Committee. The Committee may restrict testimony that is irrelevant or redundant.

Pertinent records, exhibits, and written statements may be accepted as evidence at the discretion of the Committee. There shall be a single verbatim record, such as an audio recording of all hearings before the Committee. The appealing student shall have access to a record of the hearing. All recordings are destroyed either after appeals are completed or after the time allotted for appeals has passed.

After the hearing, the Committee shall determine (by consensus) whether the level of academic offense and/or the sanctions should be decreased. Review of the level of academic offense and/or sanctions may not result in a more severe level of offense or sanction. The Committee may render its decision without deference to the faculty member’s initial determination.

Students who are required to appear before the Academic Standards and Appeals Committee due to a second offense (or a serious first offense) may also appeal the committee’s decision to the Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty under the circumstances outlined below.


Final appeals may be made to the Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty within five (5) school days of the decision of the Academic Standards and Appeals Committee. An appeal to the Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty is only appropriate under at least one of the following conditions:

  • The original hearing was not conducted fairly in light of the charges and evidence presented, and in conformity with prescribed procedures.
  • The decision was not based on substantial evidence
  • The sanction imposed was not appropriate for the violation.
  • There is new evidence that was not presented at the original hearing.