2.4 Human Resources Records


Individuals seeking a faculty appointment at Wilmington College are required to submit a letter of application, a resume, a statement of teaching philosophy and three names for references. The President, the Vice-President for Academic Affairs/Dean of Faculty, the Area Coordinators, members of the search committee and members of the academic area are allowed access to all application materials. At the completion of the search, all candidate materials are transferred to the Human Resources Office.

Official File

When a newly appointed faculty member returns a signed contract, an official file is created in the office of the Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty. Initially, this file contains the information in 2.4.1, plus a copy of the initial contract and a copy of the letter of appointment. The Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty adds information to this file if it falls into one of two categories: (1) information relating to the effectiveness of a faculty member, (2) correspondence between the faculty member and Academic Affairs office, and (3) the annual performance evaluation summaries prepared by the Area Coordinator and the faculty member (including a summary of student evaluation). Whenever any information is added to this file, faculty members must be informed by the Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty in a timely manner and must receive a copy of what has been placed in the file. Faculty members may review the contents of their official file periodically and may file a response to any part of the file, which is then retained in the file. Other evaluation materials for each faculty member are contained in notebooks maintained by the Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty.

Business File

Another file, the business file, is maintained in the Human Resources Office. It contains a copy of the contract and information necessary for employment and for insurance purposes (e.g., W-4 forms, TIAA payroll withholding permission form, and health insurance information).

Roster of Faculty and Promotion and Tenure

The Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty maintains a current roster of all full-time and part-time faculty members in all the categories in Section 2.1. This list also includes all faculty members who are eligible for tenure reviews. The Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty also makes a list of all faculty members eligible for promotion according to Section 2.6 which is distributed to the members of the Tenure, Promotion and Review Committee.

Grievance File

When a faculty member initiates the grievance process, the Presiding Clerk keeps a file on the relevant information pertaining to the grievance. That file is transferred to the Clerk of the Grievance Committee if the grievance reaches a formal stage. At the resolution of the grievance, all files pertaining to the grievance are kept by all parties (including Faculty Conveners and/or Grievance Committee members) for a period of five years.