Rights and Duties of Faculty in the Master's Degree Program

This document is intended as a policy statement concerning the rights, duties, and obligations of Wilmington College faculty who are assigned to teach in the Master’s Degree program.

All faculty teaching in the graduate program will have joint appointments in the related undergraduate program. As such they will be expected to attend bi-weekly meetings of the associated Academic Area during the nine-month academic year. Of the faculty teaching in the graduate program, three will be selected each year, on a rotating basis, to serve on the Graduate Program Committee.

The workload of full-time faculty members assigned to teach in the Graduate Program will be calculated on the basis of 4.5 semester hours for each 3-credit course taught. The additional 1.5 semester hours of load per class are intended to provide sufficient time for faculty in engage in scholarly research and writing. Each full-time faculty member teaching in the program will teach both graduate and undergraduate courses throughout the academic year. The net effect of this arrangement is that faculty will fulfill their obligation to teach 22-24 semester hours per academic year by teaching fewer classes. This will free up part of their workweek for scholarly activity. Specifically, faculty teaching graduate courses are expected to make two or more “sustained contributions” to scholarship per year and assess graduate student outcomes in addition to their normal load of service activities each year.

Revision Approved by Faculty Council 11/2018