4.6 Travel

All travel undertaken as part of College duties and for which College funds are to be used must be reported on the Travel Expense Report within five days of the return to campus. Receipts for all funds claimed should be submitted with the Travel Expense Report. Any cash advances secured for travel purchases must be reconciled as soon as possible after the return to campus (usually five days).

The College maintains a small automobile and van fleet for travel purposes. Whenever possible, always use College vehicles for College travel rather than using a personal vehicle. When College vehicles are not available, mileage reimbursement is at the appropriate rate currently in effect.

The College vehicles cannot be loaned for personal use. The Education Academic Area, intercollegiate athletics, and the Admissions Office have priority usage status with the vehicle pool. Employees who are on official business (official business will be interpreted where necessary by the President, the Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty, the Deans or the Vice President of Business and Finance) may reserve a College vehicle. Vehicles used for such a trip may not be reserved for more than two consecutive days. The exception would be the Education Academic Area, Admissions Office and Athletics.

All keys for weekend usage must be picked up before 4:30 p.m. on Friday. If the person who reserved the vehicle cannot pick up the keys personally, the area secretary may pick up the keys for her/him. If you sign for a vehicle and find that you will not be using it, please call Physical Plant to cancel your reservation so that others might have the opportunity to use the vehicle. If you think that there is a mechanical problem with any of the vehicles, please inform the Physical Plant Office when you return the vehicle.

College travel does not include travel commuting to and/or from work. No vehicle should be taken home without the prior approval of your supervisor. Using College vehicles for personal trips such as lunch not as a part of College business, shopping and recreation/vacation is not appropriate. All personal usage of College vehicles must be reported by memo to the Business Office. According to IRS guidelines, personal use of an institutional vehicle is the same as receiving income and must be reported accordingly by the institution and the employee.