2.13 Working Conditions

Academic Regalia

All full-time faculty members are expected to attend commencement and convocation during first year student orientation unless specifically excused by the appropriate Vice President. Academic caps and gowns are required for faculty members who participate in these events and convocation. Faculty members may buy or rent regalia at their own expense by contacting the Bookstore.

Offices and Equipment

All full-time faculty members are assigned an office, usually, but not always, a private office. These offices are equipped with a computer, telephone, desk and book and records storage space. The appropriate Vice President makes office assignments. All items in the office initially remain the property of the College. Faculty members may add their own pictures, additional furniture, lamps but any alterations to the room (built-in furniture, drapes, numerous pictures, etc.) or microwave ovens or refrigerators should only be undertaken after consultation with the Director of the Physical Plant. Permission to paint offices must also be secured from the same official.

No Smoking/Tobacco Policy

No one shall use tobacco in any form in any College-owned or leased building or vehicle. The only places on campus where tobacco use is permitted will be in individual student rooms in residence halls and outside of buildings on campus.

It is the responsibility of all members of the College community to observe this policy. Its success depends upon the willingness, understanding and cooperation of all individuals.

Violation by Employees: If a violation occurs and cannot be resolved between the individuals, the matter should be brought to the attention of the appropriate supervisor or administrator. If the matter cannot be resolved at the supervisory level, the matter may be referred to the Human Resources Office.

Violation by Students: If a violation cannot be resolved between the individuals, the matter may be referred to the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students. Students who have concerns about the violation of this policy by employees may also refer such matters to the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students which will contact the appropriate office.

Violation by Community Members, including Visitors, Contractors, Vendors and all Other Individuals: If a violation occurs, the matter should be brought to the attention of the individual. If the matter cannot be resolved, it should be brought to the attention of the Administrator responsible for the area being visited.

Drug and Alcohol Abuse

This policy is based in part on the Testimonies and Queries (See Appendix 1.12) set forth in the Student Handbook, which directly address behaviors harmful to the body, including the injurious effects of drugs and alcohol. The policy is also based on federal and state laws pertaining to drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace. The misuse and abuse of drugs and alcohol pose a serious threat to the College, its employees and students. College policy for administrators and faculty is as follows:

  1. Possession, use or sale of unauthorized or illegal drugs or the misuse of legal drugs at any time on College premises or during working hours is prohibited.
  2. College employees responsible for student trips off the campus are responsible for understanding and taking reasonable measures to carry out the alcohol policies in the Student Handbook.

Supervisors will apply appropriate disciplinary measures toward those violating these policies. These measures are defined elsewhere in this handbook and will reflect the seriousness of the violation and previous violations of the policy.