IT Acceptable Use Policy

The Wilmington College (college) IT resources are a facility providing data communications and data processing services to members of the immediate College community. “Wilmington College IT Resources” refers to any device connected to the College data infrastructure, domains, servers, file shares, websites, cloud services and any other technology used to communicate and process data.

All devices attached to the college’s resources must have appropriate software running on them to ensure a secure environment for all users. This includes, but is not limited to, encrypted wireless connections, anti-malware tools, up-to-date and patched operating systems and password security or other form of identity protection.

The college IT resources are provided to facilitate the educational process and the administrative efforts in support of research and instruction for faculty, staff, and students of the college. The use of the college’s IT resources must be consistent with facilitating the exchange of knowledge and information while encouraging resource sharing and collaborative projects in education and research. It is not permissible to copy college data for any use other than official college business without permission from the Director of IT.

It is not permissible to copy student data that falls under FERPA protection to a device or service not under complete control of the college. This includes external drives of any kind, cloud storage services or applications, email, text message, etc. without prior permission of the Director of IT.

It is not permissible to share your Wilmington College passwords with anyone.

It is not permissible to use the college’s IT resources for illegal purposes including, but not limited to, copyright infringement.

It is not permissible to use the college’s IT resources to transmit threatening, obscene, or harassing materials.

It is not acceptable to use the college’s IT resources to profit from a personal business or other commercial purposes.

It is not acceptable to use the college’s IT resources for political bias.

It is not acceptable to use the college’s IT resources to interfere with or disrupt other users, services, or system resources of the college. Disruptions include but are not limited to: distribution of unsolicited advertising; creation and propagation of computer malware; using IT resources in such quantity as to prevent others from using it; and using the network to gain unauthorized entry to any college resource.

Violations of the Acceptable Use Policy may result in the immediate suspension of violators from access to the college’s IT resources. Such cases will be delivered to the appropriate college office(s) for disciplinary action. Violations of state or federal laws will be referred to the appropriate legal authorities.


I ___________________________________________ have received and agree to (Printed Name) this Acceptable Use Policy. ______________________________________ Date:__________________