Student Involvement Opportunities

Students have a right to form, join, and participate in groups or organizations for purposes including, but not limited to, intellectual, religious, social, political, or cultural interests. The College recognizes the right of all students to engage in discussion, express thoughts and opinions, and the freedom to assemble, speak, write or publish on any subject in accordance with College policies and state and federal laws.

Students have a right to form, join, and participate in groups or organizations for purposes including, but not limited to, intellectual, religious, social, political, or cultural interests. The College recognizes the right of all students to engage in discussion, express thoughts and opinions, and the freedom to assemble, speak, write or publish on any subject in accordance with College policies and state and federal laws.


  • Intramural Athletics
    • A varied program of athletics is provided for all students, including flag football, basketball, cornhole and volleyball. Some sports are offered as co-ed activities. Tabling in Pyle Center is held in the fall/spring for intramural programs.
  • Intercollegiate Athletics
    • Wilmington College is a member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association Division III. We compete as members of the Ohio Athletic Conference. Men’s intercollegiate schedules are maintained in football, soccer, cross-country, basketball, baseball, track and field, swimming, and lacrosse. Students must maintain academic standards as stipulated by Wilmington College and the NCAA in order to be eligible for athletic participation. Academic eligibility is determined one week after grades are due to the Office of Academic Records each term. Women’s intercollegiate schedules are maintained in volleyball, basketball, softball, swimming, track and field, soccer, lacrosse and cross-country. The women hold the same academic standards as the men. he College nickname is “Quakers” and the school’s colors are green and white. Complete schedules for any College team may be obtained in the athletic office in Hermann Court or on the Wilmington College website:

Fine Arts

  • Wilmington College Chorale
    • The Wilmington College Chorale is an ensemble of 20 to 40 singers. The group is open to all Wilmington College students, no matter your major. Previous experience in vocal/choral music is recommended but not required (but a voice placement audition is conducted at the beginning of each semester).
    • The chorale gives two main concerts each year and appears on- and off-campus for groups when asked. Students can elect to take for one hour fine arts credit or non-credit.
  • Quaker Thunder Athletic Band
    • The Wilmington College Quaker Thunder Athletic Band is a high-energy and exciting instrumental music ensemble, which functions as an extension of both the Music and Athletics departments. In addition, the Quaker Thunder has the distinction of representing Wilmington College as one of the most visible and regularly performing groups on-campus. Membership is open to all Wilmington College students that play an approved instrument, regardless of academic majors/minors. Previous experience (performing in an instrumental ensemble, reading notated music, etc) is strongly encouraged; students with little or no prior experience may be required to receive individualized instruction before they are allowed to perform at public events. Students in the Quaker Thunder rehearse regularly, attend occasional sectionals, and perform at select athletic events throughout the academic year, which are made available to students in advance via schedule. The average time commitment is approximately 3 to 5 hours per week. It is expected that members will perform at scheduled events as part of their academic requirements for this course. Students may elect to register for one hour of Fine Arts credit, or for non-credit. Students will need instructor approval in order to register, and should contact Stephen M. Wadsack at:
  • Theatre Productions
    • Every year the Wilmington College Theatre Department stages three to four major productions: three during the academic year and one during the summer. Students from any area of study are invited and encouraged to audition for these plays. Audition dates are posted around campus near the beginning of each semester.
    • Cast and Crew may take Applied Theatre: THR185/385 for one credit.


Student Government Association (SGA)
Pyle Center Office #4
Ext. 468

It is the responsibility of Wilmington College’s SGA to serve as the representative voice of the student population; to encourage understanding and respect for the Quaker tradition of peace, service, and inner direction; to recognize and aid worthy student organizations; and to promote pride in the College. The SGA seeks to serve all the students’ desires for improved student services and academic programs, as well as to promote honest and open communications among students, faculty, administrators, and staff. The SGA Steering Committee is also responsible for the allocation of the student activity fee.

All registered and enrolled students of Wilmington College main campus are members of the Student Government Association. Any member of the SGA has the right to present a concern or grievance in accordance with the SGA Bylaws (Article I, Section I). Any member of SGA has the right to appeal a decision in accordance with the SGA Bylaws (Article I, Section II).

The SGA Board meets every Tuesday afternoon at 4:15 p.m. in Thomas Lounge. On the Second and Fourth Tuesdays of each month, the Student Senate of Wilmington College will meet at 5:30 p.m. in the McCoy Room. The Student Senate is comprised of students from all academic major areas, with one representative for every 25 students in the major. The Student Senate will serve as the voice to the Steering Committee to bring forward issues, concerns, and questions from all around campus. The Steering Committee of SGA will rely on the Student Senate to provide bi-weekly reports at the weekly SGA meetings on their discussions and ideas.


Wilmington College currently recognizes 12 active sororities and fraternities. The sororities are Alpha Phi Kappa, Delta Omega Theta, Gamma Beta Eta Lil Sis*, Gamma Phi Gamma, Kappa Delta*, Sigma Gamma Rho*, and Sigma Alpha*. The fraternities are Delta Theta Sigma*, Lambda Chi Alpha*, Sigma Zeta and Tau Kappa Beta. This group of 12 Greek organizations constitutes the membership of the Greek Council. Phi Alpha Psi, Phi Alpha Psi Sweethearts, Iota Phi Theta* are inactive Greek organizations which are recognized by the College.

*Denotes affiliation with a national/regional organization.

Honors Societies

  • Sigma Tau Delta
    • (International English Honor Society) The purpose of this organization is to recognize excellence in Literature, Rhetorical Theory, Composition, Critical Theory, English Education, Linguistics, and Creative Writing. A GPA of 3.5 or better, and completion of two or more English classes beyond composition with a “B” or better are required for consideration for membership.
  • Green Key
    • (Wilmington College Honor Society) The Green Key Honor Society was founded in May 1951 by Dr. Samuel Marble, 12th President of Wilmington College. The purpose of this organization is to recognize superior scholarship. Green Key reviews students annually after the fall semester. Eligibility requirements are:
      • Seniors—90 semester hours completed; 3.50 GPA
      • Transfer students are eligible for membership in Green Key after completing a minimum of 32 Wilmington College semester hours and fulfilling the above hour and GPA requirements. The GPA is calculated using all grades, Wilmington and transfer.
      • For students seeking a second degree, all coursework from both degrees (Wilmington and transfer) is included in the GPA calculation for Green Key determination.
  • Omicron Delta Epsilon (International Economics Honor Society)
    • The purpose of this international organization is to acknowledge excellent scholarship in the field of economics and to promote interaction among Wilmington College students, faculty, and those interested in economics at other area institutions.
    • Membership is by invitation only, minimum qualification are that a student must have completed 12 semester hours in Economics with a 3.0 average and also have a 3.0 cumulative grade point average.
  • Order of Omega (National Greek Honor Society)
    • The purpose of this organization is to honor Greek leaders for their service to their organization, the College, and the community. To qualify, students must be a Junior or Senior and must be nominated by their membership. All nominees are reviewed by the officers and members of the Order.
  • Omicron Delta Kappa (National Leadership Honor Society)
    • This society honors juniors and seniors who are in the top 35% of their class academically and who have made significant contributions in one or more of the following areas:
      • Academics
      • Athletics
      • Campus or community service, social and religious activities, and campus government
      • Journalism, speech, and mass media
      • Creative and performing arts
    • Students are further expected to demonstrate “exemplary character, responsible leadership and service in campus or community life, and superior scholarship.”
  • Sigma Delta Pi (National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society)
    • Sigma Delta Pi, the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society (La Sociedad National Honoraria Hispanica), was established on November 14, 1919, at the University of California at Berkeley. It is not only the largest foreign language honor society in existence, but it is also one of the very best as attested to by its membership in the Association of College Honor Societies, an accrediting body which demands the maintenance of the highest standards and which has extended its recognition to only two other foreign language societies.
    • The purpose of this society is to honor those who seek and attain excellence in the study of the Spanish language and in the study of the literature and culture of the Spanish speaking peoples; to encourage College and university students to acquire a greater interest in and a deeper understanding of Hispanic culture; to foster friendly relations and mutual respect between the nations of Hispanic speech and those of English speech; and to serve its membership in ways which will contribute to the attainment of the goals and ideals of the society. In order to be a member, students must be a junior and have a minimum of 18 hours of Spanish courses, which includes Spanish culture and literature. Contact Jeff Stahley, Associate Professor of Spanish, for more information.
  • Wilmington College Honors Program
    • The Honors Program at Wilmington College is designed to enrich the academic experience of qualified students with special sections of courses, interdisciplinary seminars, opportunities for leadership and civic engagement, and a senior project.
    • Entering freshmen on the Wilmington campus who received a high school GPA of 3.3 or higher and an ACT score of 25 or higher are invited to participate in this program. Full-time main campus students who have a 3.3 GPA at the end of the first term, but were not previously invited to participate, may petition the Honors Program, and if approved, may participate in second term activities. Transfer students interested in joining the Program should contact the Director of the Honors Program..
    • Presidential and Dean’s Scholarship recipients are required to complete the Program. To remain in the Program, students must maintain a 3.3 cumulative GPA, remain in good academic standing, comply with the Student Code of Conduct, and participate in the required Honors Program activities. Those who leave the program, voluntarily or involuntarily will have their scholarship reduced to the next highest level.
    • Students who complete the Honors Academic Program will receive notation on their official Wilmington College transcript and recognition at the commencement ceremony.
    • Anyone desiring further information should contact the Director of the Honors Program.


Worship and Prayer

The T. Canby Jones Meetinghouse is a place for worship, prayer, and encouraging one another in faith. Students, faculty, and staff gather for Weekly Worship in the Meetinghouse at the Quaker Heritage Center, on Wednesdays from 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm. Speakers and musicians are members of the campus and wider community. The Meetinghouse is available for personal reflection and/or corporate worship when not in use for other activities.

Campus Friends Meeting meets for worship every Sunday at the T. Canby Jones Meetinghouse, at 10:30 am. Many members of the Meeting are also members of the campus community, and students are always warmly welcomed. Worship at Campus Friends follows the traditional, “unprogrammed” Quaker form, where worshippers gather and center in silence, and anyone present is free to speak when moved by the Spirit of God.

Wilmington and the surrounding area host a number of churches with a variety of denominational affiliations, including Friends, Catholic, Methodist, Baptist, Church of Christ, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Episcopal, Adventist, Non-denominational, and others. Many local congregations love to welcome College students.

More information on churches in the Wilmington area and how to reach them can be obtained from the Campus Minister at ext. 239.

Small Groups 

Initiated by students, staff, and faculty, a variety of small groups exist on campus aimed at nurturing and deepening the faith life of individuals and of the College community. In addition, Wilmington College has a very active volunteer program which assists students in finding places for service. Groups which meet for regular fellowship, led by Wilmington College staff, include these

Bible Study

Bible study groups meet weekly for study and prayer, seeking to tie the Scriptures to daily life and concerns. Groups are led by interested members of the Wilmington College community, or sometimes by faith leaders invited to the campus. Students are always welcome to initiate new groups, and the campus minister is available to assist in planning and organization. Some groups are listed below.

Builders on the Rock

Builders on the Rock Bible Study is led by pastors from Wilmington's Bible Baptist Church. Weekly meetings consist of study and prayer. All students are welcome. For more information, see the Campus Minister.

Catholic Campus Ministry

Catholic Campus Ministry is co-sponsored by St. Columbkille Catholic Church, Wilmington. The group offers a variety of activities that include opportunities for ministry within the parish, some Mass on campus, and retreats. Membership is open to all students, staff, and faculty. For more information, contact Bud Lewis, ext. 341.

Delight Ministries

Delight Ministries is to invite college women into Christ- centered community that fosters vulnerability and transforms stories.

Faith and Action

Faith and Action is to bring God’s love through service in the community as well as the world.

Jewish Cultural Club (JCC)

JCC is to provide all interested students, Jewish or not, with an opportunity to interact and promote cultural awareness and reaffirmation through events and programming. Through the organization and its members, JCC hopes to foster solidarity among Jewish students and harmony among all students at Wilmington College

Quaker Leader Scholars (QLS)

Recipients of the Quaker Leader Scholarship and other interested students meet regularly to develop their leadership abilities, plan service activities and deepen their spiritual life. Interested students can contact the Campus Minister for more information.

Special Interest Groups

Aggies (Wilmington College Student Agriculture Society)

Collegiate 4-H
Advisor: Daryl Nash
President: Justin Beckner

The purpose of college aggies and collegiate 4-H is to promote high scholastic standards, leadership, and good character among agricultural students, promote fellowship among agriculture students and with other collegiate 4-H clubs, promote agriculture and 4-H both on campus and in the Wilmington community, to cooperate with the student body, the agriculture department and other student organizations, and to coordinate activities with the Clinton County Cooperative Extension Service and surrounding counties.

Ag Communicators of Tomorrow

Advisor: Kacey Kelly
President: Wyatt Morrow

The purposes of this organization shall be: To serve as a forum for discussion of current issues in the Agricultural Community To encourage, promote, and support the other student and non-student organizations on campus. To maintain its status as an independent organization To continue to develop community leadership. To provide an opportunity to develop closer ties of fellowship through a social atmosphere among students interested in communication. To provide an opportunity for interested students to explore, and gain knowledge of the field of communications. This club shall be open to all students no matter their major.

Agricultural Education Society

Advisor: Javonne Mullins
President: Brynn Pope

The purpose of the Agricultural Education Society is to promote food, agricultural, and environmental sciences, to stimulate interest in the profession of agricultural education and in leadership, to acquaint the members of the organization with the program of agricultural education, provide fellowship opportunities among those who are interested in agricultural education, to cooperate with other youth agencies and organizations whose objectives are similar to those of the organization, and to develop professional competencies and improve the abilities of members to conduct activities and work with organizations encountered in their professions.

Agronomy Club

Advisor: Jason Parrish
President: Morgan Thompson

The purposes of this organization shall be: To serve as a forum for discussion of current issues in the Agricultural Community. To encourage, promote, and support the other student and non-student organizations on campus. To maintain its status as an independent organization. To continue to develop community leadership. To provide an opportunity to develop closer ties of fellowship through a social atmosphere among students interested in communication. To provide an opportunity for interested students to explore, and gain knowledge of the field of communications. This club shall be open to all students no matter their major

Amnesty International

Advisor: Ursula McTaggart
President: Shannon O'Boyle

Amnesty International’s mission is to undertake research and action focused on preventing and ending grave abuses of the rights to physical and mental integrity, freedom of conscience and expression, and freedom from discrimination, within the context of its work to promote all human rights. Amnesty International is independent of any government, political ideology, or religious creed. It does not support or oppose any government or political system nor does it support or oppose the views of the victims whose rights it seeks to protect. It is concerned solely with the impartial protection of human rights.

Asian Student Association (ASA)

Advisor: Tanya Maus
President: Kyah Chaney

ASA, the newest of our diversity affinity groups, is a pan-Asian student group that seeks to unite students of Wilmington College interested in sharing, celebrating, and learning about Asian cultures. The purpose of ASA is to provide all interested students, with an opportunity to interact and promote cultural awareness and reaffirmation through events and programming. Through the organization and its members, ASA hopes to foster solidarity among Hispanic/Latinx students and harmony among all students at Wilmington College.

Black Student Initiative (BSI)

Advisor: Chip Murdock
President: Jaineen Smith

The primary focus of BSI is to unify students of Wilmington College from various backgrounds and ethnicities. This organization, though initiated by African American students, strives to provide a welcoming and comfortable environment where all students of varying backgrounds may express, celebrate and share their heritage. BSI sponsors a wide variety of activities and programs with the goal of increasing cultural awareness and involvement throughout the entire campus and surrounding community.

The organization, in association with the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, will also serve as a resource and connection point to discuss and address concerns pertaining to the African American student body and support all efforts to improve the recruitment and retention of under-represented students.

Center for Service & Civic Engagement

578 Withrow Circle

CSCE is to engage students, faculty, and staff in responsible and challenging actions for the common good. These actions foster the development of personal values, social responsibility, and a sense of caring for others. By coordinating volunteer opportunities, service learning and philanthropic activities, the CSCE serves as a direct link between the campus and local community.

Collegiate Farm Bureau

The purpose of Collegiate Farm Bureau is: to provide educational, leadership, and service opportunities for its membership; to facilitate political engagement in agricultural issues by way of advocacy experiences, roundtable discussions, lobby trips, and professional-development opportunities; and to network with other Farm Bureau members at the local, state, regional and national level.

Crochet Club

Advisor: Amanda Rollins
President: Kymberlie Kundtz

Having a crochet club on campus would provide students with a place to meet other students that share their same hobby that they may have never met before. This would also provide a learning experience to those who never would have known about crocheting or where to start on their own. 


Advisor: Jimmy Mattern
President: Zachary Sizemore

E-Sports is a student-run organization that focuses on creating and organizing friendly esports competitions on campus. The club will meet the desires of the collective group and will grow to include competitive matches against other colleges and universities. 

Exercise Science Student Association (ESSA)

Advisor(s): Chris Silette
President: Kaylee Warfield

ESSA is to enhance professional opportunities for students pursuing a career in exercise science at Wilmington College.

FCNL Campus Chapter

Advisor: Michael Snarr
President: Garrett Simmons

The FCNL Wilmington College Campus Chapter will seek to uphold the values of the Friends Committee on National Legislation, a national nonpartisan Quaker organization, as expressed in their “We Seek” statements. The We Seeks are as follows: We seek a world free of war and the threat of war, We seek a society with equity and justice for all, We seek a community where every person’s potential may be fulfilled, We seek an Earth restored. The values expressed in these statements shall be upheld through on campus work to influence legislative action.

Fly Fishing Club

Advisor: Russ Kincaid

The purpose of Wilmington College Fly Fishing Club is to promote fly fishing as a form of outdoor recreation by bringing together students and faculty and providing an environment conducive to learning about the arts of fly fishing and to developing a conservation ethic. This club is part of Trout Unlimited’ s 5 Rivers College outreach program, and the club will be affiliated with MADMEN Chapter of Trout Unlimited so that the two organizations may jointly participate in conservation projects and fishing excursions.

Golf Club

Advisor: Ron Combs
President: Blaise Morris

Indigenous Student Association (ISA)

Advisor(s): Wendy Grab
President: Lisa Brandenburg

ISA is to provide all interested students, Native American or not, with an opportunity to interact and promote cultural awareness and reaffirmation through events and programming. Through the organization and its members, ISA hopes to foster cultural pride, solidarity, education, and understanding among all students at Wilmington College.

International Club

Advisor: Randy Sarvis
President: Olive Iragena

Both international and American students are invited to become members of the International Club. Multicultural programming, including the International Speaker Series and the International Festival, as well as off-campus social activities and educational excursions, are planned throughout the academic year.

Ladies In Power (LIP)

Advisor: Laura Struve

LIP is to provide all interested students with an opportunity to interact and promote the empowerment of female identifying individuals through events, projects and various programming. Through the organization and its members, Ladies In Power hopes to foster solidarity and harmony among all students at Wilmington College.

Latinx Student Association (LSA)

Advisor: Ana Lopez
President: Nathan Sorn

LSA is a pan-Latino student group that seeks to unite students of Wilmington College interested in sharing, celebrating, and learning about Hispanic and Latino cultures. The purpose of LSA is to provide all interested students, with an opportunity to interact and promote cultural awareness and reaffirmation through events and programming. Through the organization and its members, LSA hopes to foster solidarity among Hispanic/Latinx students and harmony among all students at Wilmington College.

The organization, in association with the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, will also serve as a resource and connection point to discuss and address concerns pertaining to the Hispanic/Latinx student body and support all efforts to improve the recruitment and retention of under-represented students.

Men of Excellence (MOE)

Advisor: Micah Mills/Chip Murdock

MOE is to be a group that serves as a resource and connection point to discuss and address various concerns pertaining to issues within the male identifying community at Wilmington College.

Model Arab League

Advisor: Marlaina Leppert-Wahl
President: Grace Matthews

Model Arab League (MAL) offers students hands-on learning with the regional and international politics of the Arab World through simulated meetings of the League of Arab States.  Participants travel and become diplomats for a weekend, representing one of the League’s 22 member states.  Students draft resolutions addressing important regional and global issues. These resolutions are debated in council sessions following rules of parliamentary procedure.  Each MAL event also includes social and cultural outings.

National Society of Leadership and Success

Advisor: Eric McLaughlin
President: Kyah Chaney

The organization has been established to create a support group that will help students achieve their goals and thus better their lives.

Peace Corps Prep Organization

Advisor: Lindsey Mattern
President: Ashley Brown
Peace Corps Prep Organization is to serve as a connection between the Peace Corps and Wilmington College. Students who are accepted and meet the criteria outlined through this program will receive a certificate from the Peace Corps and priority consideration in their Peace Corps application, although acceptance to the Peace Corps is not guaranteed. It also helps prepare students who are interested in doing international service, like the Peace Corps, and to recognize their achievements. 

Quaker Activities Council

Advisor: Chip Murdock
Student Director: Logan Florea

The Wilmington College Quaker Activities Council (QAC) serves as the overall coordinating body for all student activities and programs. It is QAC’s goal to develop and maintain quality, diversity, and regularity in all student programs and activities. As a branch of the Student Government Association, QAC works cooperatively with all SGA recognized student organizations to better plan, coordinate, and evaluate campus programming. Through this coordinated effort, QAC hopes to encourage a greater sense of unity and participation in activities throughout the campus community. Students interested in participating QAC should contact the Advisor or Student Director.

Residential Student Association (RSA)

Advisor: Nick Hoover
President: Alexa Ward

The Resident Student Association (RSA) affords leadership and involvement opportunities for all residential students. RSA serves as a voice for on-campus students about residence hall policies and issues. The group also sponsors campus-wide activities such as a Homecoming Bonfire, Goodies for Goblins, Deck the Halls, and an Easter Egg Hunt. Wilmington College is a member of the National Association of College and University Residence Halls (NACURH) and RSA participates in leadership conferences for the Central Atlantic region.

Student-Athlete Advisory Committee (SAAC)

Advisor: Ron Combs
President: Levi Hartschuh

SAAC is to build a sense of pride among the student body. This is accomplished through both sporting and social events, community service, and other SAAC sponsored occurrences. These events will promote togetherness and build a strong sense of community among the student athletes of Wilmington College. This community will enable the student-athletes’ voice to be heard within their school, administration, and community. The overall duty of Wilmington College’s SAAC is to promote a more positive student-athlete image on campus and in the community.

Students for Life

Advisor: Gina Beck
Advisor: Hannah Schroeder

Members of Wilmington College Students for Life work to save lives threatened by induced abortion, euthanasia, and the destruction of human embryos for research. In furtherance of these goals, members seek to promote respect for life at Wilmington College and on a local, state, and national level, to educate on life issues, to help those in need so that life is a promising choice, and to work with others who share common goals.

Student Leaders Executive Board (S.L.E.B)

Advisor: Rayshawn Eastman
President: Annie Wise

Tabletop Club

Advisor: Chris Silette 

The Wilmington College Tabletop club is a student-built and run organization centered on providing a community that plays tabletop-based games. Informative events, draft nights, free play, and tournaments will supply members with a unique, interactive experience. The purpose of this club is to provide members with organized events that pertain to the teaching and playing of a variety of tabletop games.

Veterinarians of Tomorrow (VOT)

Advisor: Javonne Mullins
President: Alex Yaekle

VOT is to serve as a forum for discussion of current health issues in the veterinary field; to encourage, promote, and support the other student and non-student organizations on campus; to increase knowledge of veterinarian health information to the general public; to affect change in the pre-vet education process and curriculum and to make it more responsive to the needs of the students and society; to serve as a support forum for the years leading up to and throughout the application process; to maintain its status as an independent organization; to continue to develop pre-veterinary leadership; to provide an opportunity to develop closer ties of fellowship through a social atmosphere among students interested in veterinary medicine; to provide an opportunity for interested students to explore, and gain knowledge of the field of veterinary medicine.

WC Boxing

Advisor: Paula Stewart
President: Jake Stein

The Boxing Club at WC (hereinafter referred to as “WC Boxing”) mission is based on physical fitness, mental wellness, and community. We accomplish this by providing instructional classes for basic boxing technique and allowing for growth to competitive bouts with USA Boxing. Lastly, those involved in boxing develop a greater respect for themselves and others through team orientated training and activities, which promotes Wilmington College’s core values of respect and diversity.

WC Line Dancing Club

Advisor: Paula Stewart
President: Nathan Sorn

Having a line dancing club on campus will give students the opportunity to learn the line dances they’ve always wanted to learn.


Advisor: June Wonn
President: Castoridae Caplinger

WCPride strives to educate others and themselves, by raising awareness about sexual and gender identities, and working with other campus groups towards eliminating intolerance and prejudice. Their goal is to create an accepting environment within the Wilmington College community and be a safe place where everyone within the LGBTQIA+ community can feel comfortable and supported. They work closely with the Office of Diversity and Inclusion to advocate for the acceptance of all people through various forms of on-campus programming and support initiatives Membership is open

WC Wellness 

Advisor: Paula Stewart
President: Sarah Balliett

WC Wellness Committee is to provide the college community of students, faculty, and staff wellness programs and associated activities to educate, promote, develop, and enhance healthy life choices, behaviors, and activities.

Wilmingtonian (Yearbook)

Advisor: Christina Murdock
President: Logan Florea