Disciplinary Actions, Withdrawal, and Leave

Academic Probation

Students who do not maintain academic good standing will be placed on academic probation for the following semester. Along with other requirements in their probationary semester, they may be required by the Academic Standards & Appeals Committee to take ID100: Creating Your Personal Success, if not previously taken. 

Students meeting the criteria for good academic standing at the conclusion of a probationary semester will return to academic good standing. 

Students on academic probation are ineligible for intercollegiate athletic competition. They may be ineligible for other extra-curricular activities as well (ex. Internships and study abroad). 

Academic Suspension

A student who fails to meet the requirements to regain academic good standing at the conclusion of a semester on academic probation is subject to academic suspension.

Students whose semester grade point average falls below 1.00 are subject to immediate academic suspension, with the exception of full-time students in their first semester of attendance at Wilmington College. First year and transfer students earning less than 1.80 GPA in their first semester of full time attendance at Wilmington College would be placed on probation [see Academic Probation above].

Students subject to academic suspension may make a written appeal to the Academic Standards and Appeals Committee. If the Committee views the appeal favorably, the student will be allowed to remain on academic probation for an additional semester. Students should consult with the Associate Vice President of Retention and Academic Success or a Student Success Center team about the appeal process.

Academic suspension from Wilmington College spans one full semester after which an individual may apply for readmission. During the period of suspension from Wilmington College, the individual is encouraged to reexamine educational and career goals. Readmission is not automatic and depends on an individual's circumstances. If readmitted, an individual will return to Wilmington College on academic probation. Readmission does not guarantee eligibility for financial aid.

Academic Dismissal

A student who fails to meet probationary requirements, and has been suspended previously from Wilmington College, is subject to academic dismissal.  The student subject to academic dismissal may make a written appeal to the Academic Standards and Appeals Committee requesting an additional semester of academic probation or a second academic suspension.  If the Committee views the appeal for probation favorably, the student will be allowed to remain on academic probation for an additional semester.  If the Committee grants a second academic suspension, it will be treated like the first academic suspension.  Students should consult with the Vice President for Academic Affairs or the Vice President for External Programs about the appeal process. 

Readmission is not possible after academic dismissal from Wilmington College except under the Fresh Start Program. 

Academic Appeals

The Academic Standards and Appeals Committee meets in confidential, closed sessions. It usually meets regularly during the academic year, beginning one week before classes start in August and ending approximately two weeks after grades have been submitted in May. Students may appeal to the Committee to drop or add a class after the final drop or add date, change a grade, extend the final date to submit work for an incomplete grade, appeal a charge of academic misconduct, or request a semester of academic probation. All appeals must be submitted to the Office of Academic Affairs in writing.

Students may secure the appropriate form through the Office of Academic Affairs, the theStudentOneStopCenter, or the Office of Academic Records.

Students should complete the form giving particular attention to the rationale for the appeal while making sure to include pertinent facts.Supporting documents, such as syllabi, tests, papers ,and statements from a physician or a professor, may be attached. Students should seek assistance from an academic advisor, a member of the Student Success Center team, or the Associate Vice President of Retention and Academic Success, if necessary, particularly if the professor does not make the requested materials available.

If in addition to the written appeal the student wishes to appear before the Academic Standards and Appeals Committee, the student must notify the Office of Academic Affairs to arrange a time at the next available Committee meeting.

The Academic Standards and Appeals Committee may prohibit testimony that is irrelevant or redundant. It will consider all appeals in a timely manner and will notify students in writing after the conclusion of all deliberations.

Typically, a grade appeal takes a minimum of one month to cycle through the various offices where responses and signatures are required before the grade appeal can be presented to the Committee.

Administrative Appeals

Administrative appeals are reviewed and acted upon by the Vice President, Chief Academic Officer /Dean of Faculty in consultation with faculty and, depending on the appeal, other administrators. Often, an administrative appeal is a request for variance in the general education requirements or an hour requirement for graduation.

Administrative appeal forms are available through the Office of Academic Affairs, the Student One Stop Center, or the Office of Academic Records.


Students who find it necessary to withdraw from the College are considered officially withdrawn only after they have completed the withdrawal process. In order to withdraw, students must complete a withdrawal form, an exit survey and meet with the Associate Vice President of Retention and Academic Success or a member of the Student Success Center team. Students interested in withdrawing from the college should contact the Office of Academic Affairs for further information. Withdrawals after the final official drop day of any semester will result in failure of all classes unless unusual circumstances are judged to exist by a committee consisting of the Vice President, Chief Academic Officer /Dean of Faculty, the Associate Vice President of Retention and Academic Success, and the registrar/Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs.

Administrative Withdrawal

Students who have not officially withdrawn at the end of a semester and have not registered for the following semester will be administratively withdrawn by the Office of Academic Records on the last drop/add day of the following semester.

Main campus students who have registered for a semester and have not attended a single class by the end of the drop/add period without explanation will be administratively withdrawn by the Office of Academic Records and identified as "no show."

Students on leave of absence who do not return to Wilmington College by the second semester of the leave of absence period(or for military leave by the end of seven years) will be administratively withdrawn by the Office of Academic Records at the end of the leave of absence period. Administratively withdrawn persons wishing to return to the College must apply for readmission.

Students who stop attending classes but do not complete the withdrawal process will be administratively withdrawn by Academic Affairs and assigned a grade of “WF”.

Leave of Absence

Students in academic good standing who intend to complete a Wilmington degree, but who need to interrupt their studies for a period of one to two semesters because of a documented illness, financial circumstances, or other reasons must apply for a leave of absence.

Students requesting a leave of absence from the college should contact the Office of Academic Affairs for further information. An appeal for a leave of absence after the final official drop date may be approved if unusual circumstances are judged to exist by a committee consisting of the Vice President, Chief Academic Officer/Dean of Faculty, the Associate Vice President of Retention and Academic Success, and the Registrar/Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs. For financial aid purposes, a leave of absence is the same as a withdrawal from the college. While on leave of absence, students will be notified of registration dates and class schedules for the following semester. Students who wish to return after a leave of absence will have to be formally readmitted through the Admission Office at Wilmington College.

Military Leave of Absence

Students with orders to report for military duty must apply for a military leave of absence by completing the form available from the Associate Vice President of Retention and Academic Success. Military leave of absence differs from leave of absence in that a student’s studies may be interrupted for a period of seven(7) years.

Readmission after Suspension

Academic suspension from the main campus of Wilmington College spans a minimum of one complete fall or spring semester after which an individual may apply for readmission. An abbreviated session (less than 16 weeks) does not count as a complete semester for main campus students. For students at the branch campuses, academic suspension spans a minimum of one complete semester (fall, spring, or summer)after which an individual may apply for readmission.

Readmission is not automatic and depends on the student's circumstances. If readmission is granted, the student will be readmitted on probation.