2.6 Promotions

(Section covers full- and part-time faculty)

Promotion Policy

The terminal degree for the position will be determined at the time of hire and the faculty member will be informed in writing of the decision. The Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty may consult experts in the discipline, accrediting bodies and professional organization guidelines in making the determination.

Faculty who enter a terminal degree program after beginning employment at the College should request a letter from the Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty stating that the degree they are seeking will meet degree eligibility requirements for promotion and tenure. If the faculty member does not receive pre-approval from the Dean of the Faculty, they may still apply for promotion, but in this case, the Tenure, Promotion and Review Committee will determine the appropriateness of the degree. Minimum criteria for promotion:

  1. From Instructor to Assistant Professor:
    Consideration for appointment can occur at any time the conditions below are met by the faculty member.
    1. At least one year of successful teaching at Wilmington College.
    2. At least a master’s degree from an accredited institution in a discipline appropriate to the teaching assignment and at least one of the following two: documentation that the faculty member is enrolled in a doctoral or terminal degree program in a discipline appropriate to the teaching assignment or at least three years of service at the rank of instructor at Wilmington College.
    3. Evidence of teaching ability.
    4. Evidence of ability to contribute to the academic governance of the College: involvement in Academic Area governance, in committee work and/or special assignments. Evidence of ability to contribute to service in one’s profession and or community.
    5. Evidence of excellence in scholarship or creative accomplishment.
  2. From Assistant Professor to Associate Professor:
    Consideration for promotion occurs during the sixth year as an Assistant Professor at Wilmington College unless the letter of initial appointment specifies an earlier date for possible promotion based on service elsewhere. Those being considered for tenure during that year may ask that the same materials be considered for tenure and promotion.
    1. A terminal degree from an accredited institution in a discipline appropriate to the teaching assignment or at least ten years of service at the rank of Assistant Professor at Wilmington College.
    2. Evidence of excellence in the classroom, as well as evidence of ability to establish and maintain high academic standards.
    3. Demonstrated leadership at the area level, in committee work and in College governance.
    4. Demonstrated commitment to service at the College, in one’s profession and/or in the community.
    5. Continued evidence of excellence in scholarly effectiveness or creative accomplishment.
  3. From Associate Professor to Full Professor:
    ​​​​​​​Consideration may occur during the seventh year as an Associate Professor at Wilmington College unless the letter of initial appointment specifies an earlier date for possible promotion based on service elsewhere.
    1. A terminal degree from an accredited institution in a discipline appropriate to the teaching assignment.
    2. Clear and compelling evidence of outstanding effectiveness in the classroom, as well as clear and compelling evidence of ability to establish and maintain high academic standards.
    3. Outstanding leadership in establishing, implementing and achieving the educational goals of the College, as well as clear and compelling evidence of outstanding effectiveness in governance at the Academic Area level, in committee work and in College governance.
    4. Demonstrated outstanding commitment to service at the College, in one’s profession or in the community.
    5. Continued strong evidence of excellence in scholarly effectiveness or creative accomplishment.  

Promotion Procedure

  1. Faculty members who plan to submit a promotion portfolio either post-tenure (from Associate to Full) or off the tenure track, will submit a letter of intent to the Clerk of the Tenure, Promotion and Review Committee by December 15.
  2. Faculty members under review will prepare a portfolio containing information and supporting documentation on faculty performance in the areas of teaching, scholarship and service. The Tenure, Promotion and Review Committee will conduct promotion review using the Minimum Criteria for Promotion outlined in Section 2.6.1. The portfolio will be submitted to the Clerk of the Tenure, Promotion and Review Committee by January 15.
  3. The Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty will provide the Tenure, Promotion and Review Committee with a file on each faculty member being evaluated, consisting of materials such as past self-evaluations, student evaluations and annual faculty evaluations. The Clerk of the Tenure, Promotion and Review Committee will also accept letters from unsolicited faculty.
  4. The Tenure, Promotion and Review Committee will invite the faculty member’s Area Coordinator (and/or the Vice President for External Programs if applicable) to meet with the Committee to discuss the faculty member under review.
  5. The Tenure, Promotion and Review Committee may invite the faculty member under review for a discussion should the need arise.
  6. When these steps have been completed, no later than March 1, the Tenure, Promotion and Review Committee will send a report of the results of the review simultaneously to the faculty member, the President, and the Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty The Tenure, Promotion and Review Committee makes a recommendation regarding promotion to the President.
  7. If the President disagrees with the recommendation made by the Tenure, Promotion and Review Committee, the President will meet with the Tenure, Promotion and Review Committee, the Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty and the Vice President for External Programs (if applicable) to discuss the case.
  8. The President makes the final decision and informs the Tenure, Promotion and Review Committee and the applicant by April 15 . (Candidates under review for both tenure and promotion will be notified by January 30).  

Promotions Appeal Procedure

A faculty member whose application for a promotion has been turned down may appeal the decision on the following grounds: information of importance to the decision was not considered or discrimination on a prohibited ground was involved in the original decision.

The first step in the appellate process is for the faculty member to notify the Clerk of the Tenure, Promotion and Review Committee of the basis for appeal. The Clerk will then take the matter to the Tenure, Promotion and Review Committee (that made the original recommendation) for referral and possible reconsideration. In the event the faculty member is dissatisfied with the outcome of the referral process, s/he may file a grievance by following the procedures outlined in Section 2.17.  The burden of proof shall be on the faculty applicant during all phases of the appellate process.