3.11 Academic Services

Watson Library

Watson Library provides a full range of traditional library services, access to electronic information sources, library instruction for individuals and classes, audio-visual services to support instruction and the College Archives and Quaker Collection.

Collections: The Library collections support the curriculum and serve the information needs of students, faculty and staff. Faculty share responsibility for collection development and are encouraged to recommend titles for purchase or subscription. The Library participates in Ohio LINK, a statewide consortium of academic libraries, which provides access to the major collections in the state to faculty and students.

Library Services: Course reserves are available for both Library-owned and personal materials. Items owned by other libraries may not be placed on reserve. Interlibrary loan (ILL) is provided for faculty and students. There is no charge for obtaining loans or photocopied journal articles. Library instruction is provided informally in the Library to students and faculty who want assistance locating and evaluating sources. Formal course related instruction could be scheduled for classes involved in research.

Media Center: The Media Center provides AV support for classroom instruction. Resources include listening and viewing facilities for individuals and small groups, K-12 textbooks and classroom resources, limited production capabilities and assistance locating and borrowing or purchasing AV title.

The College Archives and Quaker Collection: includes official College records such as faculty meeting and committee minutes, publications, reports and selected correspondence. College memorabilia is of interest to many campus offices and organizations and often used in creating brochures and displays for reunions and other special events. The College Archives and Quaker Collection also houses the records of Wilmington Yearly Meeting, Ohio Yearly Meeting and a collection of published materials on all aspects of Quaker history, philosophy and thought.

Wilmington College has available, through the Media Center, audiovisual equipment and operators for that equipment. Arrangements for this service may be made by contacting, well in advance of any intended use, the Media Center Manager who will see that the service is provided as needed. This aid to teaching should be carefully planned by the instructor for the betterment of the course(s) involved.

Library Policies 

  1. Statement of Purpose: Watson Library operates as a center for independent learning and inquiry. The Library develops and maintains appropriate collections, provides services to ensure full and effective use of materials and nurtures skills in information gathering, selection and synthesis, which are becoming an increasingly important part of educational and continuing career success. The Library is a member of Ohio LINK offering access to academic materials located in member institutions throughout Ohio. These activities make a direct contribution to the teaching mission of Wilmington College.
  2. Library Instruction: The library instruction program provides guest lectures, library visits and other experiences to teach students how to make effective use of the Library. Contact the Director of Watson Library to arrange assignments and activities appropriate to your courses.
  3. Reference: The librarians will assist and advise faculty and students in compiling bibliographies, accessing information sources, and locating materials. They can do computerized literature searches. Inquire at the reference desk.
  4. Collection Development: Faculty are encouraged to make recommendations concerning the materials in the collection. Working through Area Coordinators, the Library staff will request faculty assistance in selecting new titles and in weeding out useless materials.
  5. Reserves: Both Library and personal materials may be placed on reserve by faculty request. Available options include: two-hour open reserve, two hour closed reserve, three-day reserve, and one-week reserve (for personal materials only). Contact the Circulation Coordinator for more information on these reserve policies.
  6. Circulation: Circulating materials checked out to faculty members are due at the end of each semester and may be renewed. Audio-Visual Materials are checked out to faculty for three days and may be renewed for an additional three days. The replacement costs of items kept out for over a year without renewal will be charged to the individual or the Academic Area with which the individual is identified. Non- circulating materials may be checked out for brief periods at the discretion of the Director of Watson Library.
  7. Any unanswered questions or desires for further information about the Library and its services should be taken up with the Director of Watson Library.
  8. Materials borrowed from other libraries are governed by the policies of the lending library. Individual faculty members are responsible for any fines or lost book charges they may incur.