Annual Faculty Evaluation Form

Annual Faculty Activity Report (long form)

Due May 30 to the Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty and the Area Coordinator

This self-prepared report describes activities engaged upon in a 12-month period between June 1st and May 31st.

The Wilmington College Faculty Handbook provides that faculty will submit self-evaluation materials to the Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty and the Area Coordinator on a regular schedule. The self-evaluation gives faculty members an opportunity to play an active role in their evaluation by providing the foundation upon which all judgments and recommendations for future development will be made. The self-evaluation focuses on four areas: general College requirements, teaching effectiveness and student development, professional development and College/community service. Please describe your activities, evaluate your effectiveness, and identify your expectations in each area.

  1. Teaching, Instructional Development, Student Development
    In a narrative intended for self-reflection, please comment upon your teaching experience during the year. You may make reference to new and continuing courses, methods, literature or technologies as well as efforts to improve pedagogical skills, attendance at teaching workshops, and how classroom visitations have influenced your teaching practices and course design. Consider your class preparation, classroom performance and interaction with students.

    Optional Course Materials: If sample course materials such as handouts and assignments are submitted, please limit to two of each.
  2. Scholarship and Professional Development
    Report scholarly and professional activity includingbut not limited to: accepted publications (indicate whether peer-reviewed, refereed, or invited), publications under consideration, conference presentations, performances, exhibitions, book or performance reviews; describe grant proposals submitted to external agencies (whether funded or not); honors and awards; attendance at professional meetings.

    Please include complete citations of all books, articles, papers, book reviews, columns, concerts, exhibits, public presentations, etc.

    Also indicate scholarly and professional development plans for the upcoming year.
  3. College, Community, and Professional Service
    College Service:
    • Governance: Report your involvement at Faculty Meeting, participation in area and program concerns and decision-making, appointment or election to college or faculty offices and committees.
    • Campus activities: Report participation in special programs, projects and events including lectures and other presentations and performances; participation in campus organizations; representing the college at events, involvement with student recruitment.
    • Student involvement: Report your involvement with students outside the classroom including schedule advising, advising of specific academic projects, participation and/or advising of student groups, involvement with alumni.

      Professional Service: Report any election to positions in professional organizations; consulting or counseling; peer reviewing or editing of a professional journal; service to a professional committee; organizing and/or chairing professional conference panels. ​​​​​​​

      Community Service: Report any participation in community organizations and public service such as social justice or environment.

  4. Personal Goals
    Special care should be given to assess progress on personal goals set the year before and identify goals for the coming year.

    Annual Faculty Activity Report (short form)
    Due May 30 to the Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty and the Area Coordinator
    This self-prepared report describes activities engaged upon in a 12-month period between June 1st and May 31st.

    ​​​​​​​Wilmington College requires all faculty members who are not participating in a full evaluation in any given academic year to collect the information required on this form for that year. These short reports should be sent to the Academic Affairs Office for placement in the faculty file and to the Area Coordinator. The reports should be incorporated into the next regularly scheduled full evaluation.

Please attach:

  1. Cover sheet: This cover sheet should list and detail the points that have been added to the CV since your last self-evaluation, including:
    • Courses taught
    • Scholarly and Professional Activity
    • College, Community, and Professional Service
    • Personal Goals - Special care should be given to assess progress on personal goals set the year before and identify goals for the coming year.
  2. Updated Curriculum Vitae