Quaker Heritage

Wilmington is a Quaker College, basing its educational tenets on the Judeo-Christian heritage of Western civilization. It believes that every person is first and foremost a spiritual being, that the active pursuit of Truth is a life-long vocation, and that the development of a strong, personal moral code is equally as important as the development of intellectual skills and knowledge.

It is fundamental to Quakers that each individual life is sacred, that "there is that of God in every person." This belief in the importance of each individual is practiced by Quakers, giving primary attention to their community and to the rights of their neighbors, and secondary attention to their own rights. Consonant with this belief, Wilmington students are encouraged and expected to develop a high degree of self-discipline and personal restraint, a respect for the sensitivities of other students, and an active moral compass for their lives. They are further encouraged to become living witnesses to the belief in the divinely instituted fellowship of humankind and to find commitment to purposes larger and more enduring than themselves by their service to a troubled planet and their active concern for a world of peace and freedom.


There is basic oneness of humanity that says all persons have worth. It is out of respect for ourselves as a part of humanity that we at Wilmington College set forth these principles by which we expect our community to live:

  1. The expectation at Wilmington College is that all persons and all groups will be treated with respect by trustees, faculty, administrators, staff, and students.
  2. Wilmington does not condone racial or ethnic epithets, slurs, derogatory remarks, or publications by any member of the College community at any College event, any public function, or any educational or institutional activity.
  3. The College affirms its belief in the equality of the sexes, and its intent is to bring all policies and practices into harmony with the principle of equality.
  4. We expect that all members of the Wilmington campus community who attend athletic or other campus or intercollegiate events will refrain absolutely from harassment of an ethnic or racial nature and will limit personal comments to those which can be reasonably described as good- natured. We affirm our belief that sporting events should involve sportsmanlike conduct by participants and spectators alike, and we intend to work with other Colleges and groups with which we share activities, such as intercollegiate athletics, to establish similar codes of conduct.
  5. We are committed to a Student Code of Conduct that has as its primary objective the solution of problems, and that is so constituted as to minimize the reality or the appearance of conflict of interest.
  6. Wilmington intends to go beyond the legal requirements of "equal opportunity' and pledges itself to seek actively members of minority groups, who are qualified for admission as students, for service as trustees and for employment as faculty, administrators, and staff.
  7. Wilmington seeks to "make riches of its diversity," and to that end will sponsor and support both intercultural and integrated intramural, social, recreational, educational, cultural, and service activities.


Wilmington College is a Quaker College with a tradition of peace, service, inner direction, and a special interest in maintaining community spirit.

The Student Code of Conduct exists to foster and enhance the academic mission of the College. The Student Code also supports and helps to maintain an environment in which learning, growth, and maturation can take place. Members choosing to be a part of this community of scholars commit to uphold high standards of conduct which are stated in the Testimonies that follow.

The Queries are questions that provide ongoing guidance to help all members achieve these goals. If one abides by these, violations of this Student Code of Conduct will be virtually nonexistent, and our campus will be the caring community for which we strive.  

Testimony: I will practice personal and academic integrity.

Query: Am I aware that cheating in classes, in games, or in sports is inconsistent with this testimony? Do I make an effort to eliminate the practice of plagiarism, borrowing another student's homework, lying, deceit, excuse making, and infidelity or disloyalty in personal relationships?

Testimony: I will avoid all behaviors that are harmful to my body.

Query: Am I aware of the injurious effects of drugs and alcohol on my judgment, my health, and my influence on others? Do I avoid using drugs and alcohol as a basis for friendships, during recreational activities and sports performances? Am I making responsible choices regarding drugs, alcohol, and tobacco?

Testimony: I will respect the dignity of all persons.

Query: Am I aware that behaviors such as demeaning the dignity of individuals or groups, including hazing, most forms of intimidating, taunting, teasing, baiting, ridiculing, insulting, harassing, and discrimination are inconsistent with this testimony?

Testimony: I will discourage bigotry and strive to learn from differences in people, ideas, and opinions.

Query: Am I a positive influence for equal rights and opportunities for all students regardless of their age, sex, race, religion, disability, ethnic heritage, socioeconomic status, political, social or other affiliation or disaffiliation, and sexual orientation?

Testimony: I will demonstrate concern for others, their feelings, and their need for conditions which support their work and development.

Query: Am I compassionate and considerate, avoiding behaviors which are insensitive, inhospitable, or which cause others to feel unsafe or unwelcome? 

Testimony: I will respect the rights and property of others.

Query: Am I aware that all forms of theft, vandalism, arson, misappropriation, malicious damage to, and desecration or destruction of property is inconsistent with this testimony? Do I avoid violating person’ rights to move about freely, express themselves appropriately and to enjoy privacy?