COVID 19 Office Space & Employee Protocol (Not in Effect)

Purpose: The following protocol was developed in conjunction with recommendations and requirements from the Ohio Department of Health in order to provide and maintain a safe work environment for employees, students and guests to Wilmington College. Compliance with this protocol is mandatory for all employees.

Employees: All employees must adhere to these steps each workday.

  • Perform a daily health assessment prior to coming to campus. This should include taking temperature, monitoring for fever (100.4 or higher), cough or trouble breathing. Employees that exhibit these symptoms should not come to campus, see Protocol for COVID19 on Campus for additional instructions.
  • Upon arrival to campus, employees should maintain social distancing when moving about campus, entering buildings, and inside buildings.
  • Facial coverings must be worn inside buildings at all times with the exception of your personal office, if it not shared with anyone else and there are no visitors.
  • Maximum capacity in elevators is 2 individuals and facial coverings should be worn at all times. When waiting for elevator doors to open, please stand back 6 feet from the elevator entry to allow current passengers to exit.
  • Employees should not congregate in general office spaces or in hallways.
  • When outside, maintain 6 feet between others at all times. When this is not possible, a facial covering should be worn.
  • Good hygiene including frequent hand washing is recommended. Office Space:
  • Employees will be responsible for the cleanliness and sanitization of their personal office space including desk, computer, telephone, chairs on a daily basis. Sanitization products will be provided by the College to each office area.
  • Employees should place trash cans outside of personal offices in the hallways or just inside an office suite at the end of each business day (or as needed).
  • Visitors to personal offices is limited to one (1) person at a time. Facial coverings and 6- foot social distancing must be maintained. Doors should be left ajar when possible to facilitate ventilation. Meetings via Zoom or MS Teams is recommended.
  • A general cleaning and sanitization of all offices will take place on a biweekly schedule by the College housekeeping staff.

Conference/Meeting Rooms:

  • All employees are encouraged to continue to utilize virtual meeting rooms.
  • If in person meetings are necessary adherence to current reduced capacity and room set up is required. Facial coverings must be worn by all participants at all times.


  • No more than 2 individuals should be in any restroom at any time. Facial coverings must be worn while in any campus restroom.
  • Proper hand washing should take place and it is recommended that individuals utilize paper towels to open doors upon exiting.

Request for Accommodation:

  • Any employee that is not able to comply to these protocols must contact Human Resources and the process to request accommodation will take place. Wilmington College Vehicles
  • Facial coverings must be worn when driving/riding in any Wilmington College vehicle with more than one (1) person.

Wilmington College Vehicles 

  • Facial coverings must be worn when driving/riding in any Wilmington College vehicle with more than one (1) person. 

Rev. 09/10/2020