Search Process for Full-Time Faculty

  1. The President agrees that planning for the position may proceed. New positions should arise through program review. Replacement positions will be designated at time of resignation.
  2. The Area Coordinator confers with the Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty to determine the member ship of the search committee, the Clerk of the Committee, the criteria for candidate selection, the proposed content and placement of an advertisement, and other means of publishing/networking the opening. The membership of the search committee will includ
    • Area Coordinator or designee
    • Up to two other members of the area (discussion with Area Coordinator may alter this)
    • A faculty member from outside the Academic Area
    • A student
    • Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty or Vice President for External Programs (where applicable), Assistant VP or Associate Vice President of Retention and Student Success, ex officio
  3. The position is requested on an “Employee Requisition” (Found on WC@Home) and sent with proposed ad copy to the Human Resources Office.
  4. Ad copy will be prepared by the hiring department and approved by the Academic Dean/Dean of Faculty, Search Committee Chair (working with Committee members as appropriate), and Director of Human Resources while the position is being circulated. This group will also decide upon the placement of the advertisement, with care taken to place the advertisement in an academic publication, job site, or other posting location appropriate to the hiring area. Once the Requisition is approved, Human Resources places advertisements and applications are logged and filed by Human Resources as they are received.
    • The advertisement will ask for a letter of inquiry, a resume, a statement of teaching philosophy and names of three references (and contact information for the references). The ad will state the date on which application review will begin. Applicants will be encouraged to submit applications electronically.
    • Applications should be received initially by the Director of Human Resources, who will create a log of applicants and notify applicants of receipt of credentials.
  5. As applications are received, the Director of Human Resources will place them in a secure electronic repository that all committee members can access. Committee members can begin individual review of credentials upon receipt, but committee discussion of credentials for candidates will not occur until after the advertised date for beginning review. 6. Prescreening and screening occur.
    1. The committee will meet initially to discuss:
      • College procedures for searches (this meeting can take place at any point once the committee has been formed).
      • the pre-screening calls
      • reference check phone calls
      • criteria for selection of initial pool based on the advertised criteria.
    2. Campus diversity goals for faculty hires will be considered.Committee members will meet again to come to consensus on top applicants. 
    3. The Academic Dean/Dean of Faculty will receive a list of the final candidates with copies of their credentials for review. The Dean of Faculty will contact top candidates in a timely manner and provide a salary range for the position. These discussions must be complete when committee is ready to meet again so that the search is not delayed.

      ​​​​​Committee members will call the top applicants. During this call
      • The position will be described to the candidate.
      • Applicant will be asked if still interested in position.
      • Applicant will be told that reference checks might occur and asked if college has permission to do that.
      • Applicant will be allowed to ask questions that s/he might have.
      • Applicant will be told that s/he will be required to teach a class (not give a  research presentation) while on campus.
      • Any other questions identified by the committee as important when they discussed the applications may be asked. The Committee may develop a standard set of pre- screening questions to ask at this time.
    4. When a candidate is no longer being considered for the position, a member of the committee or a member of Human Resources should inform the candidate as soon as possible.
    5. Reference checks (at least two per candidate) will occur. Questions will be prepared ahead of time by the committee (at one of the above meetings) so that all are asked the same questions. More than one member of the committee should ideally participate in the reference check calls, and/or those calls should be recorded for the rest of the committee to hear. Some job- related questions that are individualized for a particular candidate may be asked. The person making the reference contacts will report back a summary of the responses. If any red flags are uncovered during the reference checks, the committee should be informed.
    6. After the reference checks, the clerk of the search committee will meet with the Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty to discuss the committee’s choices, the results of the phone calls, and the result of the reference checks.
    7. Up to three candidates may be invited to campus initially. The Academic Affairs Office will handle arrangements for air transportation for the visit. 
    8. A member of the Academic Area should call the candidate to discuss the teaching presentation. The candidate should be given as much choice as possible with respect to topic. The candidate should be told the level and preparation of the class and other pertinent information. Technology needs should be discussed and agreed upon. Every attempt should be made to have the candidate in a real class. If that is not possible, the student member of the committee should try to put together a group of students for a mock class situation.
    9. During visit the following should occur:
      • A member of the search committee should meet with the candidate to go over the schedule near the beginning of the visit.
      • Candidate should meet with:
        • Search committee
        •  Area Coordinator 
        • Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty 
        • President, if available
        • Director of Human Resources or designee for discussion of benefits
        • Any full-time members of the area not already on the committee (can be a group meeting)
        • Any person identified by the candidate

          Other campus visit considerations:
        • Include a tour of campus led by student member of committee, other major or admissions guide if no other student is available
          • Allow enough time for tour of area and getting to know area; consider meetings with people from outside of the college 
          • Include a tour of facilities of Academic Area, if appropriate (science areas, theater, music, athletic training)
        • lunch meeting with students or other meeting time with students
        • one evening dinner (Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty must approve arrangements)
        • other meals to be taken in college cafeteria 
        • All people meeting with the candidate will be able to access the letter of application, resume, and statement of teaching philosophy. All persons on the interview schedule will have a copy of the schedule and information on how to access the credentials. All people meeting with the candidate will receive an evaluation form with their interview schedule that they should return to the clerk of the search committee as soon as possible.
        • Students in the class should receive a short form that is pertinent to a class presentation. The student member of the committee should collect these or they can be returned directly to the clerk of the committee.
        • The presiding committee clerk or designee should meet with candidate prior to leaving campus to ask if there are other questions or information that we should forward to candidate. Candidate should be given best information available on the timing of the search.
    10. After all visits, committee will meet to prepare a recommendation for the Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty or Vice President for External Programs. Candidates should be rated as acceptable or unacceptable. Acceptable candidates should be ranked, and pros and cons given.
    11. If the Area Coordinator is not a member of the committee, her/his recommendation should be attained and incorporated into the committee’s recommendation. If she/he cannot agree with the committee, s/he should forward a separate recommendation to the Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty.
    12. The Academic Dean/Dean of the Faculty or Vice President for External Programs will consider all the recommendations, raise any issues that require discussion with the Clerk or Committee, attempt to reconcile differences if there are any, and then present the candidates to the President. The President’s agreement is necessary prior to making an offer.


Please be diligent about maintaining confidentiality in the search process.