Greek Organizations Policies: Rushing and Perspective New Members

Greek Organizations (GO) are distinctive in the manner in which they recruit, select and initiate new members. In order to participate in the rush and new member program, Greek Letter organizations must be recognized and be in good standing with the College, SGA and Greek Council. Students choosing to join a GO at Wilmington College are often referred to as Prospective New Members, Associate Members, or Pledges. For clarity purposes, Wilmington College will identify and name these students as Prospective New Member, hereafter referred as “PNM”.

  1. Each organization may conduct one formal rush activity (defined as a GO event for prospective members for the purpose of formally introducing their organization purpose, activities, membership, and alumni) each semester. Rushes may take place in the fall and spring semesters. A GO rush may not overlap with any other competing GO’s activity. Other parties and activities exhibiting characteristics of and for the primary purpose of serving as a rush party are prohibited.
  2. Rush activities may be directed toward any full-time student that meets the follow criteria:
    • First semester student with a high school GPA of 3.00 or higher.
    • First semester student with at least 18 hours of post-secondary work accepted by Wilmington College.
    • Wilmington College Students who have completed a minimum of 12 semester hours and are in good standing with a minimum 2.3 GPA or higher.
    • Transfer students with at least 12 credit hours from their previous institution accepted by Wilmington College and are in good standing with a minimum 2.7 GPA or higher from their previous institution(s).
    • A PNM is defined as a prospective new member, associate member or pledge who participates in a new member education program to learn the organization’s history; to know the mission and tradition of their Greek organization; and to develop interpersonal relationships with active members, alumni and fellow pledges.
  3. No alcoholic beverages shall be associated in any manner or form with any rush activity.
  4. Greek Organizations regardless of housing status (College or non-College owned), conducting a pledge/new member education program must be alcohol-free throughout the entire PNM season.
  5. PNM’s may not have been active the previous semester in another GO at Wilmington College. All exceptions should be approved by the Director of Greek Life. Rushes shall be conducted during the weeks prior to the start of New Member season.
  6. GOs will abide by the rush and PNM season rules and dates set by the Greek Council. A list of rush dates for each semester is in the Student Planner, and can be provided at the Greek Life Office upon request.
  7. All bids (an individual formal invitation by a GO inviting an eligible prospective student to join the organization) will be issued on Bid Day or later which will be specified by the Greek Council each semester.
  8. Each GO must provide a list of its PNM’s to the Director of Greek Life by the end of Friday prior to the first full day of PNM season. The Director of Greek Life will validate the eligibility of each prospective PNM and notify the GO and Advisor by 8:00 a.m. on the first day of PNM season of any prospective PNM’s who are ineligible to continue the PNM program.
  9. All PNMs who have chosen to PNM a GO must attend the College’s PNM Education Program prior to participating in any PNM activity. PNMs must also complete and submit the Greek New Member Acceptance Card.
  10. PNM class (defined as most and/or all of the PNM class) activities that have the potential to create a disturbance in the residence halls are not allowed. PNM class residents must notify and seek approval from their residence hall advisor prior to any PNM class activity on their residence hall. PNM class activities and related PNM homework must be in compliance with all College and Residence Life policies and procedures.
  11. No PNM class activities can be conducted past 1:00 AM through 7:00 AM, Monday through Friday. PNM class activities may not exceed two and one half-hours per day and no more than four days Sunday through Thursday.
  12. . PNM class activities that create a conspicuous disturbance (i.e. noise, risky or inappropriate behavior) on or off campus are not allowed.
  13. Weekend PNM activities (Friday evening through Sunday afternoon) will be limited to a total of five hours per weekend.
  14. PNMs may not perform/maintain PNM activities in the classroom . Specifically, they will not carry paddles or dress in a way that would be considered demeaning or derogatory. They will not address their actives in any unusual or conspicuous manner.
  15. PNM season may commence on Monday of the seventh week of the fall semester and Monday of the fourth week of spring semester. PNM season must be completed by the 12th Sunday of the fall semester and 10th Sunday of spring semester and may not exceed 8 consecutive weeks.
  16. Any exceptions to the above stated policies must have the GO’s Advisor and the Director of Greek Life’s written approval.