Key Policy

To ensure the safety of all members of the campus community and of their property, as well as the College’s property, it is imperative for all community members to use caution in the handling of their keys, including their student ID. Keys should not be loaned, duplicated, abused, or left unattended in a place where they might be stolen.

Only the Housing Office, Physical Plant, and the Campus Safety Office are authorized to issue keys. With the exception of residence hall keys for students, all community members must sign a key control card before a key will be issued. Residential students will sign key agreements for all keys issued and will be responsible for any lost or damaged keys.

Any person who has lost a key(s) must notify the Housing Office or the Campus Safety Office immediately. Notification should be made by telephone or in person and followed by a written statement. The cost to re-key an area will be the responsibility of the person who lost his/her keys. The minimum charge for lost keys is as follows:

  • Preferred Housing (apartments, houses): $120.00 to $160.00. All units have multiple locks.
  • Each residence hall room key - $60.00.
  • Elevator key - $50.00.

The Student ID Card serves as a residential student’s building access key and their meal card. Any student who has lost their ID card should immediately inform the Housing Office. The cost of a replacement ID card is $20. Housing can offer a temporary ID and meal voucher for no more than 3 days.

All student keys must be turned in either to the Housing Office or the Campus Safety Office. Failure to do so will result in withholding of final paycheck for employees and student fines will be applied to their accounts.


This Policy applies to all students, faculty, staff, and visitors.