Sales/Solicitation/Advertising Policy

Sales and Solicitation Regulations

The Vice President Chief Student Affairs Officer or his/her designee will make decisions on whether sales or solicitations are permitted in approved areas. Door-to-door solicitation anywhere on campus is expressly forbidden. Anyone approved to solicit in the lobby areas of residential facilities or in Pyle Center must have a photo ID. Students or parents who are solicited by mail or telephone by various organizations selling birthday cakes, exam survival kits, etc., are encouraged to check with the College to find out if these solicitations are College-approved.

Generally, advertising and solicitation for products and services are prohibited from the Student App. No student or organization should post content that promotes a business (personal or otherwise). An exception to this rule is when a College-approved event is occurring off-campus. The business should be promoted only as it relates to a Wilmington College event. Disciplinary measures through the College judiciary system may be deemed as appropriate for any students that ignore or abuse this policy

Advertising Regulations

All advertising must comply with College, local, state, and federal regulations. Only approved student initiated commercial enterprises may be advertised on campus and must have prior approval by the Office of the Vice President Chief Student Affairs Officer in Pyle Center. Posting of signs will be restricted to designated bulletin boards only. No advertising information (signs/posters, etc.) can be posted on any glass surface, such as doors, windows, or placed on walls and pillars, etc. (except in the case of an emergency).

The following guidelines will be used to determine whether or not postings will be approved:

  • Postings by any off-campus commercial enterprise must be approved by the Office of the Vice President Chief Student Affairs Officer and are allowed only in designated areas. This also applies to those commercial enterprises having student representatives. The only means of advertising such an enterprise through student mailboxes is by U.S. Mail. We reserve the right to censor or remove signs that are deemed offensive or inappropriate.
  • The sale of personal articles may be advertised in designated areas. However, any advertising regarding term or research papers will not be allowed.
  • No advertising of any kind may be placed under the doors of residence rooms or on any motor vehicle on campus, except for Residence Life staff communication and notification of campus emergencies.
  • Use of duct tape, packing tape, or double-sided tape to hang signs is prohibited.
  • Publicity relating to a specific event must be removed within 72 hours of the completed activity. All materials used to secure posters and/or signs should also be removed.
  • In any non-residential College building, permission for posting in other non-designated areas should be obtained from the appropriate authority in individual buildings.
  • Those wishing to advertise on the Campus Info Channel (32) must create a PowerPoint slide in LANDSCAPE format and email it to at least SEVEN business days prior to the event/activity date being advertised. Questions should be directed to the Office of Student Affairs in Pyle Center: x339.
  • Sidewalk chalking is recognized as an acceptable form of communication by SGA-recognized organizations. Sidewalk chalk is permitted only on the two 10-foot sidewalks located through the center of campus and can be displayed for a maximum of one week. Sidewalk chalk is not permitted on any brick surfaces, or on vertical surfaces, such as walls. Only water-soluble chalk may be used. The chalk must be removed (washed off) by the sponsoring group after the event has concluded. Permission for chalking must be secured from the Associate Vice President for Student Engagement.
  • Displaying inappropriate signs/posters is a violation of this policy.

Religious Programming

Wilmington College students, faculty, and staff who want to lead or organize religious programs or activities—such as bible studies, spirituality groups, religious observances, concerts or lectures—are free to invite members of the College community to participate. Information may be shared via the usual methods: bulletin board posters; tabling in Pyle Center; campus mail; the student newspaper; Facebook groups; and/or any other standard means of sharing information which exist. In keeping with the College policy against solicitation, religious information may not be shared by going door to door in the residence halls.

'Wilmington College students, faculty, or staff may also invite faith leaders from off-campus to organize and lead a group or present a religious observance or program on-campus. Individuals or organizations from off-campus will be asked to fill out an application made available by the Campus Minister. The application will include a request for a supporting statement from the College-affiliated individual who has issued the invitation, and ask for an overview of the planned activity or group.

Individuals or organizations who desire to hold either a one-time or ongoing faith activity on campus and who have not been invited to campus by students, faculty, or staff may approach the Campus Minister for authorization. Suitability to the campus will be decided on a case-by-case basis, using Wilmington College’s Core Values statement as a primary benchmark. For information on publicity in residential facilities, refer to Residence Hall Policies and Procedures

Violations, in whole or part, of the posting policy are subject to judicial review and may result in, but are not limited to: loss of posting privileges, fines, and community restitution.